If a class has too many responsibilities (High Cohesion), all classes that depend on this class have to be modified when we want to add a new feature to the class, which increases the difficulty of...
Install opencv-python. $ pip install opencv-python OpenCV Read File Name a image as image.jpg and place it in the same directory as the python script below. # showimg.py import cv2 img = cv2.i...
Environment: Tested and worked on Ubuntu 20.04 to Ubuntu 24.04. While maintaining the PDF renderer for the tldr-page project, I came across the handy library WeasyPrint. Here are three ways to use...
This was a computer organization class assignment. I implemented a factorial using the following algorithm: $ F(n) = \begin{cases} 1, & n = 0 \\ F(n - 1) * n, & n \in \mathbb{N} \end{case...
Prerequisites Follow the instructions in the Jekyll Docs to complete the installation of the basic environment. Git also needs to be installed. Installation Creating a New Site There are two wa...
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